Welcome to the California Youth Ag Expo!


July 31 – August 4, 2024

Competition is Key!

Competition makes us all better, pushing us forward. Therefore we’ve created the CYAE with goals of it becoming the most competitive livestock show on the west coast. To do this, we’ve brought the leaders in the livestock show industry, the team at the Oklahoma Youth Expo, out west to manage the show for our 4-H and FFA students.

Leadership from the Ground Up!

Our leaders know that through the ashes, new growth sprouts. The California Youth Ag Expo is that new growth. A new show. A new time. A new location. All for our young and upcoming agriculture leaders.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, our leaders set out to find a location to launch this new endeavour. We believe that the lessons learned in the showring go far beyond the ring and those moments are irreplaceable. Yet, this show isn’t a simple replacement for the year, it’s a show we plan to continue for decades to come.

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@calyouthexpo #CalYouthExpo